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Dead of Winter’s all-new stories brings together eight established crime authors in a collection of intriguing, surprise-filled short stories full of buried sins, back-stabbing and revenge — all set against the chilling backdrop of winter, the cruelest season of all. “Feathersmith’s Excellent Plan” by Gary Phillips examines what happens when two seeming strangers cross paths and turn out to have shared a strange and twisted past indeed.

Other stories include examples of Southern noir, why you should always check your Christmas stocking for a concealed .38, and secrets held dear by elderly aunts.

Enjoy this collection of intriguing, surprise-filled stories full of buried secrets, back-stabbing and revenge — all set against the wintry and sunny backdrop of the cruelest season.

On Kindle and Nook from Thaila Press Authors Co-Op.


In additon to his short stoiry in Dead of Winter, Gary Phillips is also author of The Perpetators, on Kindle and Nook from Down & Out Books. He is the president of the So Cal chapter of the Mystery Writers of America.