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The Big Thrill Recommends: THE COMMITTEE WILL KILL YOU NOW by JL Lycette

Recommended by Jonathan Davidson

Book Cover: The Committee Will See You Now“The hospital had a saying—you came to work unless you were dead.”

Noah Meier is a first-year family-medicine intern in a Seattle hospital. It’s a cutthroat program where he quickly learns that there’s a second, unofficial curriculum: keep quiet, push your own needs aside, and do whatever it takes to finish the endless checklists.

And then one morning, his friend and fellow intern Jasmine Doherty doesn’t come to work.

Her suicide blindsides and devastates Noah. But there’s no time to process his grief. Charts must be filled out. Nurses need orders. The voice of his late father, a renowned surgeon, echoes in his mind, “The patients aren’t going away, son. Don’t be so sensitive.”

Noah and the other residents push on. Lost in his pain and the fog of sleep deprivation, Noah makes a mistake that could kill one of his patients. He enlists the help of the alluring and ambitious Marah Maddox, and finds himself compromising on every front to save his patient without exposing the hospital to a lawsuit. Turning to his father’s journal for advice, Noah learns of a secretive “God Committee” that once chose which patients lived or died. Its decisions not only shaped his own life in surprising ways, but may result in his patient’s death.

Noah’s only chance to save her—and his own sanity—is to violate his program director’s orders and put the entire residency program at risk.

JL Lycette draws on historical events and her career as a physician to relate Noah’s story with masterful verisimilitude. She conveys complex medical scenarios with an artful simplicity that makes them easy to understand. And even though the novel deals in heavy themes, Noah’s humor and growing self-awareness balance out the darkness. You’ll be sutured to the page by constant tension and will experience a resident’s exhaustion after missing sleep to finish this thriller.

THE COMMITTEE WILL KILL YOU NOW isn’t just entertaining. It’s important. Through Noah’s journey, Lycette spotlights high suicide rates among residents, and offers a profound insight that has the potential to save lives.

If you need a gripping read that will stay with you long after you close the book, Dr. Lycette has already written the perfect prescription.


The Big Thrill Recommends: THE COMMITTEE WILL KILL YOU NOW by JL Lycette

jonathan davidson
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