April 3 – 9: “Which thriller writers are skilled at educating the public on otherwise difficult public and business programs?”
Fiction can educate – explaining the routines and need for national security, public safety, and other government or corporate operations. This week ITW Members Lisa Von Biela, Susan Froetschel and J. H. Bográn answer the question, “Which thriller writers are skilled at educating the public on otherwise difficult public and business programs?”
Susan Froetschel is author of five novels – the most recent are Fear of Beauty and Allure of Deceit set in Afghanistan. She is also managing editor of YaleGlobal Online, which covers all facets of globalization defined as the connectedness of our world.
Inspired by the likes of Stephen King and Rod Serling, Lisa began writing horror and sci-fi short stories near the turn of the century. Her first published story appeared in Greg F. Gifune’s small press ‘zine The Edge in 2002. She stayed with short fiction, honing her craft and seeing more of her work published, before finally embarking on her first novel, THE GENESIS CODE, released in 2013. After working in Information Technology for 25 years, Lisa dropped out of everything—including writing—to attend the University of Minnesota Law School. She graduated magna cum laude in 2009, and now practices law and writes in the Seattle area.
J. H. Bográn, born and raised in Honduras, is the son of a journalist. He ironically prefers to write fiction rather than fact. José’s genre of choice is thrillers, but he likes to throw in a twist of romance into the mix. His works include novels and short stories in both English and Spanish.
POISONED TEARS is his third novel in English and has already garnered positive reviews and recommendations. Jon Land calls it “a splendid piece of crime noir.” Douglas Preston says it’s a first class roller-coaster ride.
He’s a member of The Crime Writers Association, the Short Fiction Writers Guild and the International Thriller Writers where he also serves as the Thriller Roundtable Coordinator and contributor editor for their official e-zine The Big Thrill.
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