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IT ENDS WITH KNIGHT by Yasmin Angoe Book Cover

Recommended by Millie Naylor Hast

IT ENDS WITH KNIGHT, the third and final Nena Knight adventure, hit stores online and in person on September 5, and you won’t want to miss this thrilling conclusion. Whether you’ve read Angoe’s blockbuster debut, Her Name is Knight, or her first-rate follow-up, They Come at Knight, you’ll still be able to pick up this epic story and fully experience everything Nena faces as she struggles to broaden her responsibilities from assassin to a new political role she never sought within the powerful business syndicate known as the African Tribal Council, better known as the Tribe. This time Nena must lead both Dispatch and Network Operations, two teams within the Tribe. To succeed, she will have to conquer her old fears, resentments, and anger.

Nena’s father Noble asks her to help the Tribe assist Tanzanian miners to negotiate favorable terms with mine owners. The problem is a Harvard-educated villager named Judah stands in the way. Nena will have plenty of opportunity to dispatch foes as she works to right wrongs, help the miners, and address a kidnapping of one of the Tribe’s own.

A trademark of Angoe’s work is her deep dive into character, and readers are sure to appreciate how she opens a window into Nena’s conflicting emotions, her guts, and her unapologetic determination. While Nena’s skill as an assassin is unparalleled, we find her all too human as she navigates the tricky waters of Tribe politics.

Frankly, we are sorry to see the series conclude, but delighted for Yasmin Angoe that it’s under option as a TV series. We hope to be able to watch it soon!



The Big Thrill Recommends: IT ENDS WITH KNIGHT by Yasmin Angoe

Millie Naylor Hast