A Special Agent Wyckoff Mystery! A spy thriller written by former FBI Special Agent Thomas R. Stutler, Esq. Take a peek behind the curtain when a highly trained Chinese diplomat in San Francisco decides to compromise a highly classified government project.

An espionage spy novel written by former FBI Special Agent Thomas R Stutler who worked in the secret world of counterintelligence.

The clock is ticking…A rogue Chinese diplomat, assigned to the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, is close to endangering all Americans as he moves closer to compromising a classified national security project. FBI Agent Wyckoff uncovers the plot, but he knows if he follows American law, the United States will lose. The former CIA case officer’s only chance is to use the tradecraft he learned with the Agency.

THE CONSULATE is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Apple.


“Reminds me of Jack Bower in 24…Ethical lines being blurred for the greater good!” – Joshua Graham, New York Times bestselling author, and winner of 2011 International Book Awards.

“Fantastic!! A lot of fun to read. Moves quickly…full of conflict!” – Susan Wingate, Best Selling Author and Radio Show Host.


Thomas R. Stutler, Esq. served the US Government as an FBI Special Agent in the area of national security, counter intelligence, terrorism, espionage and the theft of trade secrets. Mr. Stutler was a technical consultant to bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson, author of the X-Files books.

Mr. Stutler is the founder of the MIHI Advisory Group based near Tampa, Florida that specializes in corporate investigations, executive protection and security consulting on a worldwide basis. Mr. Stutler has provided hundreds of presentations on security topics to audiences in the US, Canada and Europe.