The Big Thrill Recommends: PERFECT LITTLE MONSTERS by Cindy R. X. He

Book Cover: PERFECT LITTLE MONSTERSRecommended by Gregory Stout

Teenager Dawn Foster grew up in California but now lives with her aunt and her disabled (from an auto accident) parents in a small town in Wisconsin. In short order, she becomes a member of the high school cheerleading squad, which brings her into the circle of the most popular girls (perfect little monsters, all), including Ella Moore, the “Queen Bee” for whom the category should be named. Unfortunately, Ella also has more than a few enemies, including the other cheerleaders. At a pool party held at Ella’s home, someone laces her vodka and cranberry cocktail with strychnine, leaving her dead on a floating raft in the pool.

Of course, all the party guests, including a few who were uninvited, become suspects, and eventually, the police arrest Isaac Caldwell, Dawn’s not-so-popular boyfriend, on a murder charge. Dawn decides she must find the real killer and exonerate Isaac. So far, so good, but what follows is a shocking and expertly crafted ending that I never saw coming (and neither will you). The end elevates this debut novel to an unqualified superstar performance. I cannot recommend this book highly enough!


The Big Thrill Recommends: PERFECT LITTLE MONSTERS by Cindy R. X. He