February 18 – 24: “Do you remember when you fell in love with the thriller genre?”
Love is in the air this week with ITW Members Russell James, Timothy Jay Smith, Ronnie Allen and J. H. Bográn! Join us they discuss when they fell in love with the thriller genre. Scroll down to the “comments” section to follow along – you’re going to love it!
Ronnie Allen is a New York City woman who transplanted to Central Florida eleven years ago. A teacher for thirty-three years in the New York City Department of Education, as well as Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, she has an MS Degree in School Psychology and a PhD in Parapsychic Sciences. Ms. Allen holds children and family close to her heart and includes stories of survival in her plots. She specializes in healing on the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels which appear in threads running through her books.
Russell James grew up on Long Island, New York and spent too much time watching late night horror. He graduated from Cornell University and the University of Central Florida. After flying helicopters with the U.S. Army, he now spins twisted tales, including paranormal thrillers Dark Inspiration, Sacrifice, Black Magic, Dark Vengeance, Dreamwalker, and Q Island. His Grant Coleman adventure series covers Cavern of the Damned, Monsters in the Clouds, and Curse of the Viper King. His wife reads his work, rolls her eyes, and says, “There is something seriously wrong with you.”
Timothy Jay Smith is an award-winning writer of novels and screenplays. His first novel, A Vision of Angels, won the Paris Prize for Fiction. Kirkus Reviews called his novel Cooper’s Promise “literary dynamite.” Tim was nominated for the 2017 Pushcart Prize for his short story, “Stolen Memories.” He is the founder of the Smith Prize for Political Theater and lives in France.
José H. Bográn is a bilingual author of novels, short stories and scripts for television and film. He’s the son of a journalist, but ironically prefers to write fiction rather than facts. His genre of choice is thrillers, but he likes to throw in a twist of romance into the mix. As a freelance writer, he has several articles published in a wide range of topics. Currently divides his time as Resource Development Manager for Habitat for Humanity Honduras, teaching classes at a local university, and writing his next project. He lives in San Pedro Sula, Honduras with his wife, three sons and a “Lucky” dog.
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