The Color of Evil by Connie (Corcoran) Wilson
Tad McGreevy has a power that he has never revealed, not even to his life-long best friend, Stevie Scranton. When Tad looks at others, he sees colors. These auras tell Ted whether a person is good or evil. At night, Tad dreams about the evil-doers, reliving their crimes in horrifyingly vivid detail.
But Tad doesn’t know if the evil acts he witnesses in his nightmares are happening now, are already over, or are going to occur in the future. He has no control over the horrifying visions. he has been told never to speak of his power. All Tad knows is that he wants to protect those he loves. And he wants the bad dreams to stop.
At Tad’s eighth birthday party (April 1, 1995) in Cedar Falls, Iowa, the clown his parents hire to entertain Tad’s third-grade classmates is one of the bad people. Pogo, the Killer Clown (aka Michael Clay), is a serial killer. So begins 53 nights of terror as Tad relives Pogo’s crimes, awakens screaming, and recites the terrifying details to his disbelieving family. The situation becomes so dire that Tad is hospitalized in a private institution under the care of a psychiatrist—who also does not believe the small boy’s stories.
And then the police arrest Pogo, the Killer Clown and the dreams stop.
Flash forward to the beginning of Tad’s junior year in high school, 8 years later. Tad is 16 and recovered. When Michael Clay was caught and imprisoned, the crime spree ended and so did Tad’s nightmares.
Until now, in the year of our Lord 2003, when evil once again stalks the land.
This is a terrifying, intense story of the dark people and places that lurk just beneath the surface of seemingly normal small-town America. As one reviewer says, “Wilson nails the darkness beneath the surface of small-town middle-America and the relationships among her characters, whether adults or high school aged, reflects her 33-year teaching career at those levels.”
THE COLOR OF EVIL is available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
“The Color of Evil” is old-school psychological horror, artfully blended with new-school shocks and twists. Not only won’t you see this coming, you won’t believe your eyes when it does. Bravo!” ~Jonathan Maberry, New York Times best-selling author of “Dust & Decay” and “Dead of Night” and multiple Bram Stoker award winner.
“Connie Corcoran Wilson is a born storyteller. Her new novel ‘The Color of Evil’ is a real page-turner, and a very good one, indeed! Wilson, in this, her second novel (and the first in a trilogy), takes time with each character and handles them quite well…The reader is kept informed and fascinated. It all works. It moves the story forward, scene-by-scene, in a controlled way. ‘The Color of Evil’ is total entertainment! Wilson’s got a winner here!” ~William F. Nolan, “Logan’s Run” and “Nightworlds,” named a Living Legend in Dark Fantasy.
“‘The Color of Evil’ is the kind of read that grabs you by the lapels and doesn’t let go until much mayhem has ensued and the tightly-coiled plot has unwound. Wilson keeps the reader engaged and on edge as this story of ‘a small town gone wild’ plays out in horrific detail. Make sure you lock the doors and windows before starting this one, because you won’t want to get up to check until you have finished the last page!” ~Donnie Light, “Dark Justice” and “Ripper’s Row”
“Connie (Corcoran) Wilson’s ‘The Color of Evil’ is a scary, entertaining novel. Dealing with a young person’s supernatural powers, bringing Stephen King’s ‘Carrie’ and John Farris’ ‘The Fury’ to mind, Wilson introduces us to Tad McGreevy, a young man who can see people’s auras. A haunting childhood experience has already taught him the color of evil. This territory has not been mined in a while, and Wilson’s take is fresh. With first-rate writing, a strong story, and believable characters, THE COLOR OF EVIL is a winner. Highly recommended!” ~Pete Giglio, “Anon,” “A Spark in the Darkness”
Connie (Corcoran) Wilson is a University of Iowa graduate and college professor with 55 years of writing experience (and 33 years of teaching experience), who taught writing at 6 IA/IL colleges. She has published 18 books or E-books since 2003, founded 2 businesses (and functioned as CEO for 17 years), plays 4 musical instruments—(2 of them well)—and has 2 children born 20 years apart. She blogs actively for Yahoo and Associated Content, which named her its 2008 Content Producer of the Year for politics (Jan., 2009)for that 600,000 member blog (one million “hits” and among the Top 1,000 and “Hot 500” featured contributors with 80,000 “hits” on one article, alone) and has written for 5 newspapers and 7 blogs, including her own, She is an active voting member of HWA, IWPA (Illinois Women’s Press Association), MWA (Midwest Writers’ Association), ThrillerWriters, and MWC (Midwest Writing Center), which named her its 2010 Writer of the Year (March 20, 2010). Find her complete works on Amazon at Connie (Corcoran) Wilson.
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