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By Azam Gill

“… creative and explosive …” William H McDonald, the lead reviewer and founder of the Military Writers Society of America about Jeffrey Wilson, the cross genre genius and its likely future high priest — storyteller, mystic and healer. Wilson has released his latest THE DONORS on the heels of his successful first novel, THE TRAITEUR’S RING. THE DONORS combines a supernatural horror story with a medical thriller backdrop.

Little Nathan and his doctor heroically fight the power of the evil force that stalks the hospital corridors. Their eyes glowing, pale faced and demonic looking men harvest skin and organs from the awake and unwilling patients. In his dreams, Nathan can see the true form of these demons feeding on the fear and hatred they create in their victims. Hospitalised for injuries at the hands of his mother’s boyfriend, Nathan and the young doctor who cares for him share a legacy of abuse, and the ability to see these creatures for what they are. They must find a way to destroy the demons before they become too powerful and it is too late for their loved ones.

Dozens of short stories, competitive fiction prizes including participation in the National Endowment of Arts, have confirmed Jeffrey Wilson’s penmanship. His skilled plotting, muscular prose, tight dialogue and gift for making his readers complicit in character development have inspired praise across the spectrum of his peers. It is hardly surprising that

Richard Godwin, author of MR. GLAMOUR AND APOSTLE RISING, says “THE DONORS will keep you hooked from the opening page. Wilson has written a novel packed with surprises and suspense and drawn characters whose every pang the reader feels. This is novel full of visceral, intense moments. It will keep you holding on until the brilliant end.”

Wilson, a former firefighter, jet pilot and Special Forces trauma vascular surgeon handles plot like the unexpected twists and turns that shadow a special military operation. A mantle of his varied expertise custom drapes his characters, zigging and zagging them through the machinations of supernatural evil to stunning conclusions. His surreal gift to overlap horror and the supernatural with today’s headlines and flesh and blood characters probably owes something to his Spec Forces connection. A native of Williamsburg and a William and Mary alumnus, he is now settled near the headquarters of the Navy Seals in Tampa, Florida.

His first novel, THE TRAITEUR’S RING was released last year, displaying his rare talent of mixing “two not normally related genres into a fast moving novel”. The scenario takes off from a Spec Forces operative in an African operation set in the context of contemporary geopolitics. It mushrooms into a frighteningly believable scenario with the supernatural and mystical intersecting the natural, releasing waves of horror that rise to a cusp of triumph. A breathless ride also delivered in THE DONORS, despite its distinction as a stand alone work.

A devoted father and husband, Jeffrey Wilson spends his  time away from writing and healing with his beautiful, dark-haired wife Wendy, and their three lovely children, aged 11, 4 and 3. Connor, the oldest already has a contract with Weaving Dream Publishers for A GIANT PENCIL, an illustrated book ready for view at!  We’re looking at an October 2012 release here. Father and son might just combine in a duo to produce fan-generating illustrated thrillers that span a multi-age audience. Stranger things having been known to have happened, I’d keep my eyes open on this one!

And then Jeffrey Wilson is a family man in more ways than one. Through the Navy Seal Foundation, the warrior brotherhood of the US Navy’s Elite SEALS is still his extended family. After all, he was the medicine man of this famed warrior clan, has started weaving the metaphors of its story, and gone even further. Following the SEAL’s worst loss of life in a single day in August 2011 inAfghanistan, Jeffrey Wilson set out to raise funds for the Navy Seal Foundation, including donating 100 percent of his February royalties from THE TRAITEUR’S RING.

Commitment and sincerity added to natural talent, hard work and a disciplined gift for imagination make Jeffrey Wilson a formidable challenger. Watch out for what comes next — surprise is one of the Principles of War, and Wilson is its artful practitioner in the literary arena of thrillers.


Jeffrey Wilson has worked as a Firefighter, a jet pilot, a naval officer, a diving instructor, an actor, and a trauma and vascular surgeon. He has deployed multiple times as a combat surgeon with elements of Naval Special Warfare. His first novel THE TRAITEUR’S RING was released in September of 2011. THE DONORS is his second novel.

Jeffrey lives in Southwest Florida with his wife Wendy and their 3 kids. To learn more, please visit his website.

Azam Gill
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