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A random encounter leads to deception, love and murder. While vacationing at a ski resort, professional hitman Robert Prescott meets a strange and beautiful woman.

They discover passion and embark into a dangerous game hiding their relationship from her powerful husband. Then a further twist of fate makes Robert’s occupation collide with his new found love.

“He enjoyed his Gold Label scotch served neat … and his victims dead. “Take my hand if you want to live!” J. H. Bográn’s well-crafted crime thriller takes you where you’d never want to go. Highly recommended for a chilling few moments of your reading life.” ~ Bonnie Turner, author of FACE THE WINTER NAKED

“José Bográn’s short story THE ASSASSIN’S MISTRESS is an unusual, gripping and surprisingly fun ride on a killer roller coaster.” ~Lauren Baratz-Logsted, author of THE BRO-MAGNET

THE ASSASSIN’S MISTRESS is available from Amazon and Smashwords.


J. H. Bográn, born and raised in Honduras, is the son of a journalist. He ironically prefers to write fiction rather than fact. Like his character, José likes his scotch neat, although he stays with the more affordable Black Label.

His published works include novels and short stories in both English and Spanish. He’s a contributor to The Big Thrill magazine, and writes movie reviews for the Honduran newspaper La Prensa.

To learn more about José, please visit his website. He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

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